Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Will Duke Nukem blow us to tiny alien chunks?

My guess is yes.

In case you haven't heard that one game everyone assumed would never see a consumer console Duke Nuke em' forever is real. So real in fact that many people have had the pleasure of testing it and it even has a release year.
I have been following the games progression on and off for some time now on IGN and similar sites and there is obvious skepticism out there. People are wary of it being a cheap cash in or that it will, once again, somehow fall off the face of the earth. I'm here to give everyone and anyone who is willing to listen my opinion/prediction on how it will be. What I know is that 3d realms is not messing around. They want to give duke what he deserves and I think they will. I'm sure many of you have seen the teaser trailer and man is it hot.
But that's not the important part. The important part is the attitude of the developers, they've had the time to make this, and the concept we already know is top notch so the only thing left is their drive. They're confident so I'm confident. I know I'm going to put down the money now no matter what and even if it's only a one time experience. If nothing else it should be at least worth a rent to hear Duke's sexy one liners right?

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